Here’s What Today’s Movies And Shows Would Look Like As VHS Covers

Game Of Thrones looks right at home, TBH.

French artist Julien Knez wants to take you back to a simpler time. A time before Netflix, Hulu, or even DVDs. A time when the VHS reigned supreme.

French artist Julien Knez wants to take you back to a simpler time. A time before Netflix, Hulu, or even DVDs. A time when the VHS reigned supreme.


Julien Knez / Via

That’s why Knez has been designing all your favorite modern movies and TV shows as VHS boxes. And they are SPOT. ON.

That's why Knez has been designing all your favorite modern movies and TV shows as VHS boxes. And they are SPOT. ON.

HQ means “high quality.” It was like Blu-Ray, but worse.

Julien Knez / Via

The fonts! The graphics! The garish technicolor!

The fonts! The graphics! The garish technicolor!

It’s all there!

Julien Knez / Via

Can you hear the pop of cheap, crinkly plastic? Can you smell the burnt Jiffy Pop?

Can you hear the pop of cheap, crinkly plastic? Can you smell the burnt Jiffy Pop?

Because yes, only two episodes would have fit on a VHS.

Julien Knez / Via

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