This Week so far

Darling Readers,

This past Monday, we decided to take our son into the Doctor’s office–well, I took him. See, last Tuesday walking back from swim class, he kind of tumbled and reached out to stop himself but did not actually stop so he hit his head on the cement. He seemed find afterwards. That night though he woke up the first time complaining his head hurt so I gave him ibuprofen. He woke up another four times that night. The next afternoon when Daddy picked him up and they got dinner to bring home, Daddy has a Ford Focus ST which means it’s suspension is much more sensitive and you can feel bumps and such.  Apparently, our son complained his head hurt, then a few minutes of silence later, he threw up in the car. Luckily, he threw up on the carseat and himself, not actually in Daddy’s car which would be difficult to clean.

We did what we usually do after a vomit episode, let him eat something small and plain, wait 20-30 mins, and if nothing else happens, let him eat like normal. He was fine. He was fine for the rest of the week until Saturday.

We promised him that if he got a thing for good behavior every day for the week, we would go see “How to Train Your Dragon 2” in the theater. It was really good. I think it was better than the original. I would not mind seeing it again and buying it when it is released on Blu-ray.

After the movie, our son wanted to walk around so we went to Wal-mart, put him a cart, and walked around toys and electronics. Well, it was mid-afternoon and even though he hardly naps now, he still gets kind of cranky in the afternoon when is tired still. He complained his head hurt and that he wanted to kind of cuddle while in the cart. We went home and had lunch. He seemed to feel better but still kind of tired. I was able to get him to lay down and watch tv.  About two hours after we got  him, he sat up, said he felt funny, and I asked him what was wrong. He would not reply to me. If there is a look of “I am about to throw up,” he had it on his face. I told him to go to the bathroom. Within a minute, he threw up everything from lunch and everything else he ate during the movie.

If you haven’t guessed now of my worry, it was that he had a concussion. There is not a whole lot you do for a concussion when it is mild which is why I had not been that worried about it. With the second bout of regurgitation, we agreed to take him to his Pediatrician on Monday.

Took him to the Pediatrician on Monday: no strep, just a sore throat–most likely viral and not contagious since he has never had a fever. Ugh. They didn’t even think he even had any possibility of a concussion either. That was a waste.

I’ve been working to get over this double ear infection and upper respiratory infection. I normally walk to work since I live about two blocks down and I have not this week, at all. I’ve been uber medicated since Friday–if you missed that post, check it about Friday–and finally I am able to not have to use my inhaler to walk around for a few minutes. I normally only have allergies that cause asthma and this is the first time an illness has caused it.  Not easy.

I am much, much better today. I just wish I could get my son to sleep through the night. I don’t understand why he wakes up in the middle of the night. My problem is I go lay down in his bed with him and I fall asleep then awaken in pain from my hips because I have been on my side for however long I was in there.

I am glad that he does sleep in his bed though. 🙂

OK, readers. I’m going back to work. Please let me know what’s going on with you. Have you had an illness that took a while to get over? Have you had a similar issue with the possibility of a potentially more serious injury or illness to find out that it was basically nothing? I look forward reading your comments on this post. You’re also welcome to use the Contact Me page. Have a great day and weekend! Stay safe.

Sincerely yours,


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