Week in review

Good Afternoon Darling Readership,

I realize that I have not posted since Monday and I apologize. It is midterms and I have been focused on that this week. I am rather excited since as far as I can tell, I have A in my full-term online class of spreadsheet applications. July begins my other online class of Business Ethics. I am certain there will be a lot of reading from the thin textbook. I did skim through it and it seems rather interesting. It is case studies of different legal issues that arose in the past. I am interested to see how the instructor will go through that with only 5 weeks to go through it.

My son, this week, has decided to start waking in the middle of the night and get Mommy. Of course when I am so tired and cannot stand his bed any longer, I just let him get back into my bed, again. That is when I was reminded why I cannot having him sleep in bed with my husband and I. We don’t sleep very well. It has also made me have very strange dreams. I will see about posting at least some of what I remember of the apocalyptic one that I had. It was amazing at how detailed and potentially true it could be–well, most of it.

Even though I am feeling very good and healthy, except for the usual allergies, I got my husband sick with a sinus infection…somehow. He is doing better now that he is on antibiotics.

Today was the first day since the second week of June, I think, that I walked to work (I live three to five blocks down from my office building). I was reminded of why Mississippi heat and humidity is a pain and exhausting. By the time I got to my office, I had sweat dripping down the sides of my brow. Luckily, the a/c works very well and I cooled off quickly.

I do realize that I have not posted anything for Writing 101 since June 20th. I am going to try to rectify that this weekend, hopefully in order. I think I may give up and just do the writing assignments out of order. Some of them make me have to think long and hard to figure out what to write and how to write it–description, edits, revising, and so forth. That’s why Day Four took so long for me to post. I just got stuck.

Once I get my creative juices going, I am good but life does get in the way of focus. I try to write down all my ideas so I can go back later to try to write them down. I do enjoy a good brainstorm but they work out so much better when I have someone to bounce my ideas off of. I have also learned not to much blogging at home since it causes me to not focus on family, which is what is needed to be done at home. I just do it in my other free time during the week or on vacation.

I have always enjoyed writing and researching. I love to learn. I hope to instill that in my son. It’s a slow process. My Mother was better at sitting down and reading with me than I am with my son. I just get bored so easily, even when I do voices. I have been trying to find chapter picture books that we both can enjoy but I need to pay my late fees to the library first.

Ok, I am off to start working on my writing. I look forward hearing from you all. Please feel free to comment on this post or use the Contact Me page to let me know what you think. Thank you so much for your dedication and readership. I greatly appreciate it.

Oh! Before I forget, I am slowly making my own printables and plan to share them with you. I just need to figure out how to link them through Google Drive/Docs. I only have one right now.

Have a great weekend,


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